MW3’s new Vest could replace meta Perk in Season 2

Nathan Warby

Sledgehammer Games have pulled back the curtain on Modern Warfare 3 Season 2, and a new Vest has been revealed that could make the game’s most popular Perk redundant.

Modern Warfare 3 Season 2 is set to arrive on February 7, bringing a ton of content for multiplayer fans to get stuck into. Players can look forward to the long-awaited crossover with The Walking Dead, as well as new weapons and maps.

It’s also delivering a selection of smaller additions across the board, such as new Aftermarket Parts and modes. Among these is a new Perk that could make the game’s most popular choice obsolete once it goes live.

Modern Warfare 3 Season 2 is bringing the Ninja Vest, which “eliminates footstep sounds” and allows players to run around silently.

This is identical to the effect that Covert Sneakers provides, but the new Best also has some extra advantages, as it is designed to be a “silent melee and throwing weapon specialist.”

On top of making steps impossible to hear, it also makes players “immune to movement reduction effects” like Stun Grenades, provides bonus Shuriken and Throwing Knife ammo, and refills ammo for both every 25 seconds.

Soulrender Melee MW3Activision

The Ninja Vest is ideal for melee players but could suit many playstyles.

The devs are clearly aware of the similarities between the Ninja Vest and Covert Sneakers in MW3, as the blog announcing the Vest revealed that the two cannot be equipped together. If a player enters a match with both in their loadout, Covert Sneakers will be replaced by Running Sneakers, which buffs the duration of their Tactical Sprint.