Warzone expert JGOD explains how to fix “atrocious” weapon balancing for Black Ops 6

The release of Black Ops 6 kicks off a brand-new chapter of Warzone, coming with a ton of new guns and gameplay changes. However, CoD expert JGOD has urged the devs to address weapon balancing and the state of the meta before the new game arrives.

Although Warzone is packed full of guns from both MW3 and MW3, only a handful are truly viable in practice. Those who decide to steer clear of these meta picks leave themselves at a disadvantage, as the rest of the lobby uses top-tier weapons with TTKs that can send them to the Gulag instantly.

This is something that Warzone guru JGOD highlighted in an upload to his YouTube channel, where he broke down all of the changes he felt were needed ahead of Black Ops 6.

“One of the biggest issues with this game currently is that the weapon balancing has been atrocious,” he said in the video, arguing that players are always “heavily limited” when it comes to building competitive loadouts.

He compared the current version of Warzone to the original, which spans from MW2019’s Verdansk to Caldera with Vanguard. Each season in the original had a wide variety of different guns that were seen as meta. For example, at launch the M4A1, AX-50, Kilo 141, and three or four others were all solid choices, while BOCW Season 6 had around eight guns that were all fairly evenly matched.

This meant there was a lot more variety and genuine debates to be had about which was the best option for sniping, close quarters, and long distances. Now, the meta is pretty cut and dry, as everyone knows exactly which weapons to run to have a fighting chance.

JGOD went on to say that the reason for these one-sided Warzone metas is the way that the devs have approached weapon balancing, as they tend to nerf the strongest guns instead of improving the weakest.

“The updates heavily focus on removing fun from the game, and how they generally do this is through nerfs instead of buffs,” the YouTuber continued. “There’s some [guns] that are in a great spot, they feel good, and no one’s really complaining about it, and then it gets a nerf.”

He feels that this approach gives players fewer options overall and makes the meta stale, as one weapon will inevitably dominate each season. But, by nerfing the best guns instead of buffing some of the outsiders, you end up in a situation where “everything feels like trash” other than one or two guns.

Only time will tell if this “glaringly obvious” issue will be addressed by the time Warzone integrates with Black Ops 6, but the devs still have the rest of Season 5 and all of Season 6 to try and get the weapon balancing into a good spot.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Nathan Warby

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