OP Warzone LMG dominates long-range meta with “crazy” TTK

Warzone‘s long-range meta is extremely competitive in Season 5 Reloaded, following nerfs to the STG44. But a fast-killing LMG has stepped up to take its place, running rings around the competition with its low recoil and rapid TTK.

After the STG got hit with a huge nerf, many players have been looking for long-range alternatives. The BAL-27 has emerged as a top pick, while others have looked to the BP50 to take over as their primary weapon.

But while these Assault Rifles are in the mix, the TAQ Eradicator LMG beats them all in terms of sheer power. Warzone expert WhosImmortal compared the TTK of each meta gun in a video on his channel, and he found that the results were clear as day.

Things were fairly evenly matched in the first damage ranges, with very little choice between the three up to around 40 meters. Then, the BP50 and BAL-27 fell off drastically, as the Eradicator kills over 100ms faster from 42 meters all the way up to 80 meters and beyond.

Although WhosImmortal mentioned that changing fire rate is occasionally tough to manage, he called the LMG absolutely “crazy” once you master it.

While running our best TAQ Eradicator loadout, I found that once the fire rate slows after the initial few shots, it was extmely easy to control at long-range, allowing me land shots constantly and achieve close to its maximum TTK in most fights.

While it can feel a little unwieldy when you first squeeze the trigger, once you learn the slightly stage recoil pattern, the extra fire rate almsot becomes the LMG’s secret weapon. Plus, it makes it more viable at close-range if you get caught off guard.

To round out your class, it’s important to pair the TAQ Eradicator with a top tier SMG and WhosImmortal recommended the Superi 46 as the perfect partner. The Superi is the fastest-killing close-range in Season 5 Reloaded, so by running both you should be covered in every single encounter.

We’re expecting another major meta shift in Season 6, but for now, these two are arguably the best guns in Warzone right now.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Nathan Warby

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