Warzone finally gets another one-shot Sniper Rifle after major buff in Season 2

Max Candelarezi

After the debut of Urzikstan, players have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of another one-shot Sniper within Warzone. Luckily for them, following some major buffs in Warzone Season 2, the wait could be over.

Warzone Season 2 brings a ton of fresh content for players to dive into. This includes an exciting new crossover with The Walking Dead, newly introduced weapons such as the RAM-9 and BP50, and more.

Additionally, the second major update for the game also brought huge weapons buffs and nerfs destined to drastically shift the meta. Among them, a fan-favorite Sniper was drastically buffed by the changes, making it a one-shot meta contender.

XRK Stalker one-shot Sniper in Warzone Season 2

With the Warzone Season 2 update, Raven Software have drastically buffed the XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle to make it down with “one-shot to the head within its Max Damage Range.”

MW3’s XRK Stalker now joins the KATT-AMR, which was previously the only MW3 Sniper Rifle capable of one-shotting enemies in Warzone. In addition to its one-shot kill capability, the weapon also received an improvement to its maximum damage range which is now 50.8 meters.

XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle WarzoneActivision

The XRK Stalker Sniper Rifle arrived with the Warzone Season 1 update.

This will allow players to use the fan-favorite Sniper which boasts great mobility and ADS speed compared to the KATT-AMR which will now also be able to eliminate enemies with just a shot to the head in Warzone.

While some may desire greater diversity for one-shot Sniper options, the change to the XRK Stalker is indeed promising for Sniper fans. It opens the door for potential additions of other one-shot Snipers in the future. However, it’s important to note that this is just speculation, so take it with a grain of salt.

In any case, be sure to use the best XRK Stalker loadout in Warzone to be able to destroy enemies during long-range combat in Season 2.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Max Candelarezi

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