How to level up guns fast in MW3 Zombies

Joaquín Frere

Weapon progress in MW3 is shared across all modes, making Zombies the optimal choice for rapidly leveling up your weapons. Enjoy co-op sessions with your friends while using the best methods to level up weapons fast in MWZ.

Modern Warfare 3 Zombies is all about survival, as players must complete story missions and Contracts in order to earn exciting new Schematics, Wonder Weapons, and more.

Completing these tasks and playing the mode will also earn you a bunch of XP, and as progression is universal across MW3 and Warzone, it’s a great place to level up your rank and weapons.

Playing MW3 Zombies is arguably one of the best ways to farm XP in MW3, but what’s the best method to level up your weapons? Here’s everything you need to know.

MW3 Zombies: How to level up weapons fast

Here are some tips to level up your weapons fast in MW3 Zombies:

  • Complete contracts
  • Kill enemies
  • Use XP tokens before matches
  • Outlast contract farming method

While going around Urzikstan and completing side activities, you will face many zombies along your way, sometimes even hordes or Special versions of them. Each Threat Zone holds more powerful zombies, so the higher the threat the more XP you’ll earn.

You can also use the Energy Mine Field Upgrade to kill large amounts of zombies, netting you tons of XP for your weapon. Remember that Field Upgrade kills only work towards your Primary’s XP, so choose your arsenal carefully before diving into the mode.

MW3 Zombies: Use XP Tokens

XP Tokens in MW3

Players should always add XP Tokens to their experience farming sessions.

Players should always have an active Weapon Double XP token up if they are trying to level up their guns fast in MW3 Zombies. XP tokens can net double XP for different periods, and for different purposes: Account XP, Weapon XP, and Battle Pass XP.

With every MWZ Urzikstan expedition lasting over 45 minutes at max, there’s always the chance to activate one token before heading in to maximize XP gain with any of our mentioned methods.

Sometimes, the game will pop up special Double XP Events that will save users some tokens, so be sure to check our Call of Duty page regularly for updates on said events.

MW3 Zombies: Outlast Contract weapon level XP farming explained

Outlast contract in MW3 Zombies

A horde will try to prevent you from completing the Outlast contract, so kill as many zombies as you can.

Players can loop a section of the Outlast Contract to farm XP in MW3 Zombies, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Look for a Satellite blue icon on your map to locate the Outlast contract.
  2. Move up to the contract’s location and activate it.
  3. Interact with the PND. This will call a horde, so you will need to defend yourself from it.
  4. When the progress bar reaches 95%, leave the designated area and look for the zombie spawn point.
  5. Using your Primary weapon, kill as many zombies as you can.
  6. The Analysis Progress bar will drop while you do this, so once it does, head back to the PND and fill it back up to 95% again.
  7. Head back outside and kill the zombie horde once again.
  8. Loop this method and earn lots of Weapon XP fast.

This trick will help you level up your weapons fast, and it also involves a horde, so the weapons and equipment used for the exfil method are also good choices here.

It’s important to note that once you gain 10 levels of Weapon XP per gun in one match, the ranking up slows down significantly, even when using Double Weapon XP tokens. But, there is a way to reset the Weapon XP cap by either going to the Dark Aether or by starting a story mission.

Here’s a breakdown of how to farm Weapon XP using MW3 Zombies’ Act 1 story mission, Extraction, thanks to YouTuber ‘Doughnuts’:

  1. Start the Act 1 Extraction story mission in MW3 Zombies, as this will allow you to continue killing zombies and leveling up your weapon at a normal rate after rinsing the Outlast Contract.
  2. Progress the mission until you escort Jansen to the helipad.
  3. Huge hordes of zombies will start spawning.
  4. Continue killing them for Weapon XP and they will continue spawning so long as you don’t get on the helicopter.

The turrets will also count towards Weapon XP, so make sure you utilize them too. If you do both the Outlast Contract and this story mission method back to back, you’ll get your desired weapon leveled up to max in no time at all.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Joaquín Frere

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