Perks are an iconic aspect of custom loadouts in Call of Duty, and Black Ops 6 has some crackers that you may struggle to pick between.
From classics such as Ghost to completely new additions like Guardian, here are the best Perks in the Black Ops 6 beta, so you know which ones to pick.
Every BO6 Perk ranked
- Gung-Ho
- Ghost
- Vigilance
- Flak Jacket
- Guardian
- Dexterity
- Tracker
- Double Time
- Engineer
- Quartermaster
- Assassin
- Bankroll
- Dispatcher
- Bruiser
Best Perks explained
5. Guardian
Guardian is the perfect Perk for objective players.
- Faster Healing while capturing and holding objectives. Revive downed teammates faster.
Guardian comes in at five as it’s the ultimate BO6 Perk for objective players who love diving on the point and doing all they can to secure the win. When using this Perk myself, I was able to dominate Hardpoint zones, engaging in fights and quickly healing to get straight back to defending or capturing.
4. Flak Jacket
- Reduces incoming explosive and fire damage.
Next up, Flak Jacket is a classic Perk that many Call of Duty vets will be familiar with. Don’t underestimate its simplicity, as enemy Lethals can be a real pain if you don’t have this Perk equipped.
It will prevent you from getting instantly killed after a Lethal indicator pops up on your HUD, allowing you to continue your streak or survive long enough to cap the objective.
3. Vigilance
- Display a HUD icon whenever you appear on enemy minimaps. Immune to CUAV and Scrambler. Immune to Sleeper Agent.
In third place we have Vigilance, a new Perk to the franchise that provides intel on when you have been exposed on the enemy’s radar.
This is a great advantage, as it allows you to be one step ahead of the enemy. If you know they’re waiting on you to pop out in a certain area of the map, play more patient and outsmart them.
2. Ghost
- Undetectable by enemy Radar Ping and UAV when moving, planting, defusing, or controlling Scorestreaks. Undetectable by Prox Alarm.
Nipping into second is Ghost, an iconic Perk that leaves you undetectable by UAVs and other radar pings. You’ll need to stay on the move for it to be active, which makes it perfect in Black Ops 6 as the game focuses heavily on fast-paced movement.
It’s a no-brainer, as UAVs and radar pings can be very strong against you if you don’t have Ghost equipped. It’s a Perk that will save your life more than you realize, as it allows you to move around the map and flank the enemy freely without being spotted.
1. Gung-Ho
Gun-Ho takes the top spot.
- Reduced movement penalties when reloading or using equipment. Reload while Tac Sprtinting.
Taking the crown is Gun-Ho, as in a game as fluid as Black Ops 6, being able to reload while Tac Sprinting is vital.
The amount of times I found myself saving time to get away or make a push thanks to the ability to reload while sprinting, diving, and sliding is pretty outstanding, hence why it’s topped the list. If you’ve not been using Gung-Ho, you’re missing a movement enabler that can make your gameplay a lot more fluid.
Best Combat Specialty in Black Ops 6
Enforcer is the best Combat Specialty in Black Ops 6 as gaining a temporary speed boost and buff to health regen after each kill increases your survivability.
Compared to the other options, it’s the most likely to improve your gameplay, but the Recon Specialty is a close second, as it essentially gives you High Alert from Warzone.
Using the best Perks in Black Ops 6 will, of course, put you at a great advantage. However, making sure you use the best weapons and settings whether you’re on M&K or controller will also make a huge difference.
Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Joseph Pascoulis