The MW3 Season 5 update brings new content for Zombies, including three new Schematics to help you take on the toughest of bosses and challenges.
These new Schematics were revealed in the Season 5 blog, so here’s everything we know about them, including what they do and when you can expect them to arrive in-game.
New MW3 Season 5 Zombies Schematics
Disciple Bottle
The Disciple Bottle will spawn in a friendly Disciple that will help you against the hordes of Zombies.
Disciples are a powerful Special Zombie type in MWZ, so having one on your side will be of great help, especially if you’re trying to complete challenges in a Dark Aether Rift.
Grenade Bandolier
Next, we have the Genade Bandolier, which replenishes your Lethal and Tactical Equipment over time. It’s essentially the Restock Perk you can get in multiplayer and Warzone.
This will prove very useful, as Lethals and Tacticals can be incredibly effective against Zombies, either stunning them in place to buy you some time, or doing big area damage to take a bunch out.
MW3 Season 5 brings three new Schematics to Zombies.
Stash Increase
The last is Stash Increase and it does exactly what it says on the tin. This Schematic increases your Stash size to 30, allowing you to pick up a lot more loot.
You usually only have 20 slots, so the extra 10 will allow you to exfil with more goodies, especially on those long runs where you run into a bunch of items.
How to get new Zombies Schematics in Season 5
The MWZ devs are yet to reveal the specifics of how to get these new Schematics, but if they’re like others in the game, players will need to complete challenges and events for a chance to get them in Reward Rifts and lootable caches.
Perhaps the new Dark Aether Rift arriving in Season 5 of MW3 Zombies will give players a higher chance of getting these new Schematics, but we’ll update this section once we know more.
When will the new Schematics be available?
The new Schematics will arrive in the mid-season update according to the CoD blog. We expect Modern Warfare 3 Season 5 Reloaded to come around four weeks into the new season, which is around August 21, 2024.
Keep in mind that this is just an estimate based on previous seasons, so once Activision officially announces a date for Season 5 Reloaded, we’ll be sure to let you know.
Speaking of Season 5, Zombies players will be able to dive in and get the new weapons arriving for the season and exfil to unlock them. Otherwise, you’ll need to work your way through the Battle Pass.
Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Joseph Pascoulis