Warzone High Trip event: Start date & everything we know

Warzone is getting a 420 Day-themed event titled High Trip, that’s set to take over the battle royale during Season 3. Here’s everything we know about Warzone High Trip, including the start date.

Warzone and MW3 Season 3 is really leaning into its 420 celebrations, with the arrival of another Snoop Dogg Operator and Cheech and Chong skins, as well as the Blaze Up event in multiplayer. Battle royale players aren’t going to be left out though, as the devs have confirmed the High Trip event.

So, here’s everything you need to know about the Warzone High Trip event.

Warzone High Trip event start date

Warzone High Trip is due to begin on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, as shown by the in-game timer in the Events tab. Based on previous events, it will go live at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM BST.

This is also the same date and time that the MW3 Blaze Up event kicks off, so players will have two 420-themed activities to grind at once.

Warzone High Trip event explained

Very little is known about the Warzone High Trip event so far, as the devs have only shared this brief description in the Season 3 blog: “Jump into this limited-time event and get ready for some heightened fights. Collect gummies to sharpen your senses and smoke out the competition.”

Based on this summary, Warzone players will be able to collect “gummies” scattered around the map that grant certain abilities. However, it’s unclear if this will be added to the main BR modes, or if a temporary LTM will be added to keep the event separate.

It’s also unknown if it will take place on the larger Urzikstan map, or if the action will be limited to Rebirth Island, which made its comeback in Season 3.

As always, we expect there to be plenty of special rewards to earn during the Warzone High Trip event, from Charms and Stickers to unique Blueprints or camos. These will be unlocked either by completing specific challenges or by racking up XP.

That was everything we know about Warzone High Trip so far. We’ll be sure to update this page with a full breakdown of the event, as well as all the rewards and how to get them once we know more.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Nathan Warby

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