New MW3 Conversion Kit brings back classic sniper and it’s already a “problem”

A new Aftermarket Part has arrived in MW3 and Warzone to transform the RPK into a semi-auto Sniper Rifle, and it’s already taking over both games with its “insane” damage.

The JAK Cataclysm Kit is available by completing Week 2 Weekly Challenges and completely overhauls the MW2 LMG into the iconic Barrett .50cal. As part of the change, the RPK gets an impressive 500% headshot and 333% upper torso damage boost.

The result is a Sniper Rifle that can down fully-plated players with just two shots in Warzone. Enemies at close to mid-range can be dropped with two body shots, while those at longer distances require one headshot to two-tap.

Although this means that it doesn’t have the one-shot capabilities of snipers like the MORS or KATT-AMR, the JAK Cataclysm’s superior mobility and fire rate make it extremely effective if you’re accurate.

Warzone YouTuber WhosImmortal covered the RPK conversion in his July 31 video, where he called its damage absolutely “wild.” Meanwhile, former CDL champion ‘TeeP’ felt it could be a “problem” after sharing a clip of him dominating matches with it.

It’s not just Warzone where JAK Cataclysm Kit shines either, as it’s arguably more powerful in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer. Without armor to worry about, the RPK with this Aftermarket Part can one-shot at mid-range, and even at long-range with a headshot.

‘FaZe Scope’ proved this by posting a clip of him tearing up a lobby with ease on Afghan, dropping enemies in rapid succession with just a single bullet each time.

Only time will tell if the RPK with the JAK Cataclysm Kit remains this powerful over the coming weeks. If it starts to become too dominant, don’t be surprised to see it nerfed in a future patch.

The next major update is set to be MW3 and Warzone Season 5 Reloaded on August 21, so it could receive some changes then alongside the arrival of the Spear and Torque 35.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Nathan Warby

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