How to get all Perks for free in MW3 Zombies

Joseph Pascoulis

If you want to know how to simply get all Perks in MW3 Zombies for free in every match, here are all the hidden Easter Eggs to do so.

MW3 Zombies puts a twist on the classic Zombies mode by fusing it with the extraction-based formula of DMZ, with many veterans and new players alike enjoying this unique MW3 undead experience. There’s a lot to find and explore, as Urzikstan hides many secrets.

The game features a story mode that spans many Act missions, and more are being added in each Season update. Apart from this, players have discovered many other secrets, including how to get all Perk-a-Colas for free.

For those interested in acquiring every Perk for free in MW3 Zombies, here’s a full list of all the Easter eggs you need to complete around the map to get them.

MW3 Zombies gameplayActivision

Players can get Jugger-Nog for free in MW3 Zombies by following a simple Easter egg.

Every free Perk Easter egg in MW3 Zombies

Here’s every Perk and the Easter egg players must complete to get the Perk for free in MW3 Zombies, courtesy of Zombies master MrDalekJD:


  • To get Jugger-No for free in MW3 Zombies, ensure you have a Molotov and then head to Al-Abboud Condos just south of Levin Resort (C3 on the map).
  • Locate the campfire around the middle of C3 above the row of four buildings.
  • Throw a Molotov into the campfire and a Reward Rift reward will pop up with the Jugger-Nog Perk inside.

Quick Revive

  • First, make sure you have an ATV.
  • Next, head to H5 on the map and follow the highway that circles the middle of the map until you reach a road sign. The sign is arched over the highway and can be found in the section that just passes out of the orange Threat Zone.
  • On top of this road sign structure, you’ll find a Mister Peeks stuffed bunny.
  • Wait under this road sign until you hear a laughing sound effect, which initiates a speed challenge.
  • You must then follow the road north all the way to the next road sign structure, which you will need to pass under at max speed.
  • Once you pass under the roadsign with enough speed, you will hear a sound effect, and a Rift will pop up with Quick Revive as the reward.

Death Perception

  • Above Popov Power in E1/E2 of the map, you will find some ring structures just to the side of the road.
  • Climb to the top of the huge smoke tower in E1 above Popov Power, jump off, parachute, and glide through all three of the rings.
  • Once you successfully glide through all three of them, you will have completed the Easter egg, and a Rift reward will pop up with Death Perception.

Deadshot Daiquiri

  • Head to Abdul Academy just below Orlov Military Base in I3.
  • Locate the church-looking structure and look for the Mister Peeks bunny in the top window.
  • Throw an explosive, preferably a Semtex, into this top window of the building.
  • If done correctly, a reward Rift will spawn with Deadshot Daiquiri.

Speed Cola

  • Make your way to D2, just to the right of Levin Resort.
  • On the left side of D2, you will find a bird statue.
  • Drive up and off this bird statue and land on the road beneath it.
  • A Rift reward will then pop up containing Speed Cola.

PHD Flopper

  • Head to Shahin Manor in H7.
  • Locate the swimming pool with Mister Peeks just outside the manor.
  • Head inside the manor and up to the roof.
  • Dolphin dive from the roof into the pool and you will receive a reward Rift with PHD Flopper

Stamina Up

  • Go to Zaravan City and head to D7.
  • Locate the Skyscraper in the Quadri Shopping Center area.
  • Head inside and find the stairs.
  • Run up all 15 flights of stairs as quickly as you can until you reach the roof.
  • You will then receive Stamina Up in a Rift reward.

The release of the Season 1 Reloaded update brought the Dokkaebi Warlord Boss fight into MW3 Zombies, and her fortress can be found on top of this Skyscraper. To reach her, you will need a Dokkaebi Warlord Key and take the building’s elevator up, but players can kill two birds with one stone here.

Tombstone Soda

  • Make sure you have a Sniper and head to Al-Dahr Estates in G7.
  • Locate the construction building and use the zipline to get to the roof.
  • With your Sniper, aim halfway up at the yellow crane in the southwest direction.
  • You should find a Mister Peeky bunny.
  • Ping directly on the bunny for a jumpscare and you will receive a Rift with Tombstone Soda as a reward.

MW3 Zombies: How to get Random Perks & upgrades for free

This method involves a Tombstone across the map where players can “Pay Respects” to strip all upgrades from their weapons and obtain a random Reward Rift. This Rift can net better upgrades than the ones your weapon used to have, and even Perk-A-Colas such as the Elemental Pop Perk.

To trigger this, players will need to follow these instructions:

  • Head to the Western Seatown High-Level Threat Zone located in T3.
  • Here, players will find a Tombstone that carries swords and rifles on it, with a Mister Peeks sitting on the wall in front of it.
  • When near the Tombstone, press the interact button to “Pay Respects.”
  • This will strip your gun from all upgrades and open a random Reward Rift in front of you.
  • It hasn’t been discovered yet how to trigger specific rewards, but they seemed to be tied to which upgrades you hand over when interacting with the Tombstone.

Elemental Pop doesn’t have a direct Easter Egg like the rest to obtain it for free, but this is the best way players can attempt to get it. They can also buy it from Buy Stations.

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