MW3 players are slamming the new RGL-80 Aftermarket Part, with many calling it useless and some even claiming it’s bugged.
The JAK-Thumper 556 is a new Aftermarket Part Conversion Kit for the RGL-80 that gives the grenade launcher access to different ammunition types, such as slug, sticky, and drill charge rounds, while also improving its bullet velocity.
You need to complete five challenges from Week 4 to unlock it, and most of the challenges involve getting explosive kills with different equipment. This led to a major increase in players using launchers, explosive ammo, and aerial Killstreaks in lobbies to unlock the new AMP, which caused some frustration.
One user on Reddit claimed to have a “mental crisis” trying to unlock the JAK-Thumper 556, and to rub salt in the wounds, one player responded, “Wait till you find out how bad the AMP is. All that pain for nothing.”
Numerous posts on the MW3 Reddit express disappointment in the RGL-80’s Conversion Kit, and some even claim it’s “bugged” for them. “You can’t equip it,” said one player, while another shared a similar experience, “Yep. Unlocked it and it won’t let me equip it either!”
One user went into depth about how the new AMP is “buggy/weird in general.” Some have no issues, but believe that the Conversion Kit is “complete a**.”
A few players actually enjoy using the JAK-Thumper 556, especially with the slug rounds, saying “It’s not the best but it’s pretty fun and silly to use.”
The RGL-80 was nerfed on June 4, so that doesn’t help its power with the new AMP. More Weekly Challenges will arrive as we enter Season 4 Reloaded, so perhaps we’ll see more crazy Conversion Kits like this one.
Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Joseph Pascoulis