How to get all Citadelle des Morts Incantations in Black Ops 6 Zombies

The main quest of the Citadelle des Morts Black Ops 6 Zombies map is packed with things to collect, including four unique Incantations belonging to the powerful Wonder Weapon swords.

The new Zombies map takes place in a spooky French castle overrun by the undead. Like always, there’s something supernatural afoot and you’ll need to gather four Incantations by completing specific rituals to progress the main quest. Finding them is far from easy, and you’ll need to gather all four Wonder Weapons swords before seeking them out.

With this in mind, here’s how to get all Citadelle des Morts Incantations in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

Activate the Pack-A-Punch machine and speak to Krafft

Krafft in Black Ops 6

Before collecting the Incantations, you must first activate the Pack-A-Punch machine. To do so, just follow the objective markers until you get to the Oubliette Room. Once there, you’ll spot a locked container. Shoot down its locks and defeat the Doppleghast hidden within. After this, pick up the crystal dropped by the enemy and use it to activate the machine.

For the next step, head to the Quick Revive room and speak to Gabriel Krafft through a wooden door.

How to complete the Balmung: Raven’s Shadow Incantation

Raven's Talon item in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Follow these steps to get the Balmung Incantation:

  1. Head towards the slide near the Pack-a-Punch Machine and while riding it, shoot the raven on the right.
  2. After reaching the end of the slide, shoot the raven out of the sky and it’ll drop the Raven’s Talon item.
  3. Now, head to the Undercroft region at the start of a new round and you’ll find a glowing yellow circle on the ground.
  4. Step inside it to begin a ritual that requires you to eliminate all the zombies in the area.
  5. Once the ritual is over, a glowing box will pop up.
  6. Melee it using the Balmung Wonder Weapon to get the Incantation.

How to complete the Durendal: Stag of the Storms Incantation

Pegasus' Horseshoe item in Black Ops 6 Zombies

To get the Durendal Incantation, follow these steps:

  1. Head to the stone bar near the Town Square and shoot down the Horseshoe kept above the door.
  2. After picking up the item, go to the cannon in the Citadelle Courtyard and use it to fire yourself into the Town Square.
  3. While in mid-air, you’ll see a bolt of lightning accompanied by a storm cloud close to where you land. Head towards it to find and pick up Pegasus’ Horseshoe lying on the ground.
  4. Now, head towards the Town Square, and just like the previous Incantation, you’ll find a glowing yellow circle waiting for you.
  5. Step inside and complete the riutal before meleeing another glowing box to complete the Durendal Incantation.

How to complete the Solais: Lion of Light Incantation

Red light crystal in Black Ops 6 Zombies

Here’s how to get the Solais Incantation:

  1. Head to the Dining Room and shoot the red crystal located right above the vulture-Aid Perk-a-Cola. Doing so will cause it to change direction and reflect its light onto another red crystal.
  2. After this, shoot the second crystal until it directs its light to a third one. Now, direct your fire at the third crystal and keep moving on until you arrive at the final crystal inside the Alchemy Room.
  3. Once you’re there, go towards the light beam and you’ll find the Paladin’s Brooch item sitting on a table.
  4. For the next step, head back to the Dining Room where another glowing yellow circle should appear.
  5. Step inside it to complete the ritual and collect the Solais Incantation.

How to complete the Caliburn: Dragon’s Fire incantation

Cauldron on fire in Black Ops 6 Zombies

The Caliburn Incantation is the trickiest of the bunch as it requires you to light three cauldrons on fire before completing the yellow circle ritual. Here’s how to complete this Incantation:

  1. All three cauldrons are located outside the castle. You’ll find the first one in the Castle Courtyard. Just look at the platform above the Elemental Pop machine. After spotting it, throw a Molotov in its direction to light it on fire.
  2. For the second cauldron, go towards the cannon located right outside the Castle Entrance. From there, look towards the castle and you’ll be able to spot the cauldron in the distance.
  3. The final cauldron is located on the left side of the cannon. This one’s also sitting at a distance so lobbing a Molotov towards it isn’t ideal. You can instead try using the Caliburn Wonder Weapon fire attack to light it up.
  4. Once all three fires are lit, a Doppleghast will spawn in the courtyard area. Defeat it to pick up the Ra’s Ankh item.
  5. After grabbing the item, head down the stairs and you’ll find the yellow ritual circle right in front of the Arsenal.
  6. Complete the riutal and melee the box using the Caliburn to get the Incantation.

After gathering all four Incantations, you’re one step closer to the final boss fight. To make sure you’re well-equipped for the showdown, take a look at the best Black Ops 6 guns and class setups.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Aryan Singh

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