The latest Black Ops 6 Zombies map, Citadelle des Morts, comes with four new Wonder Weapons in the shape of swords, all of which can be pretty tricky to obtain.
Set in Avalon, Citadelle des Morts arrived alongside the Season 1 Reloaded update and it features a lengthy Easter egg hunt. A central part of the main Easter egg are the four elemental Wonder Weapons that are required to progress further.
Finding the non-upgraded version of these swords is simple enough but turning them into powerful element weapons requires the completion of specific tasks. Here’s how to get all four Citadelle des Morts Wonder Weapon swords in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Activate Pack-A-Punch machine
The first step is following the objective markers until you reach the Pack-A-Punch machine. It is located in the Oubliette Room and locked behind a container. You’ll need to kill a Doppleghast, pick up the crystal dropped by the enemy, and use it on the machine to activate it. Once this is done, head to the Quick Revive room and speak to Gabriel Krafft through a wooden door.
How to get the Caliburn: Dragon’s Fire Wonder Weapon
After reaching round 10, you’ll start to see bucket-wearing zombies spawning around you. These enemies drop orange-colored stamp items which can be used to obtain the non-upgraded swords, also known as Bastard Swords. Pick up a stamp and follow these steps to get the Caliburn: Dragon’s Fire Wonder Weapon:
- Use the stamp to interact with the knight with a dragon on its chest in the Dining Room to get the Bastard Sword.
- Now, head up the stairs and place the sword into the dragon statue. This will light up three cauldrons around the map.
- The first cauldron can be found right next to the cannon outside the castle doors. Interact with it and you’ll see a fiery effect form around the screen.
- You’ll now have to sprint back to the dragon statue and interact with it to complete this step. We recommend using the Stamin-Up perk for this process since you’ll start to lose health after interacting with the cauldron.
- The second cauldron is on the left side of the Town Square close to the metal gate. Just like the first one, carry the fire back to the dragon statue to complete this step.
- For the final cauldron, head to the giant Guardian fountain to find it. Interact with it and sprint back to the dragon statue to get the Caliburn Wonder Weapon.
How to get the Solais: Lion of Light Wonder Weapon
Collect the Bastard Sword from the knight with a lion on its chest and follow these steps to get the Solais Wonder Weapon:
- After getting the Bastard Sword, you’ll start to see frequent spawns of glowing parasite enemies. Melee them using the sword and the blade will start to glow.
- Now, head to the Speed Cola Perk-a-Cola area, take the stairs heading down, and turn right to see a wooden door. Melee it to reveal a glowing symbol, with slots for three more.
- Go back to the Dining Room and repeat this process three more times to open the door.
- Once inside, move to the end of the hallway and place the sword into the stone holder.
- You’ll now see symbols appear on the holder, memorize them, and shoot the correct ones as they float into the air.
- Do this three more times to get the Solais Wonder Weapon.
How to get the Durendal: Stag of the Storms Wonder Weapon
Grab the Bastard Sword from the knight with a stag on its chest and follow these steps to get the Durendal Wonder Weapon:
- Acquire the Dead Wire mod from the Arsenal.
- Now, head to the Speed Cola Perk-a-Cola area and shoot the electrical box located just above the stairs. Doing so will drop an item called the Lightning Rod.
- For the second Lightning Rod, go to the Deadshot Daiquiri Perk-a-Cola and you’ll find the rod sitting right beside it.
- To get the third and final Lighting Rod, you’ll need to kill an armored zombie enemy. The best place to find them is in the Dungeon area.
- After grabbing all three, go to the Castle Courtyard and towards the Elemental Pop machine. Keep heading forward until you spot a black cauldron sitting on a stone platform.
- Interact with the cauldron, causing it to start spinning.
- A storm will emerge with zombies flooding the area. Fend off the enemies, and eventually, you’ll see lightning form around your sword. Melee the cauldron once this happens.
- Repeat this process two more times and then place the sword into the cauldron.
- Wait a few seconds and you’ll be able to grab the Durendal Wonder Weapon.
How to get the Balmung: Raven’s Shadow Wonder Weapon
For the final Wonder Weapon, grab the Bastard Sword from the knight with a raven on its chest and follow these steps:
- Head into the Alchemy Room which is located right next to the Dining Room.
- Here, you’ll need to find an item called Antiquity. There’s no fixed spawn for this so you’ll need to inspect the room carefully. The item also spawns in five different shapes – Ram’s Horn, Raven’s Skull, Scorpion Rock, Fish Fossil, and Jaw Bone.
- After grabbing the item, head back to the Tavern near the spawn area and into the basement. You’ll find a strange puzzle near the teleporter.
- To complete the puzzle you’ll need to match the green symbols in the inner ring with the blue symbols in the outer ring. The correct symbol combinations depend on the item you picked up. Here are the solutions for each item –
Rams Horn = ♈︎ + 🜂
Ravens skull = ♊︎ + 🜁
Scorpion in Rock = ♏︎ + 🜄
Fish fossil = ♓ + 🜄
Jaw Bone = ♌ + 🜂
- To complete the puzzle you’ll need to match the green symbols in the inner ring with the blue symbols in the outer ring. The correct symbol combinations depend on the item you picked up. Here are the solutions for each item –
- Once done, a portal will spawn in the room alongside glowing orbs. The orbs will follow you and the goal is to direct them towards the portal on the ground until they fill up.
- The first portal is easy to find since it spawns right in front of the symbol puzzle.
- For the second one, exit the room and go towards the bar area. The orbs will follow you, and eventually, find their way to the portal right in the middle of the room.
- Head upstairs from the second portal to find the third one. It sits just in front of the solitary pool table.
- Move back into the basement and grab the Durendal Wonder Weapon.
With all four Wonder Weapon swords in your arsenal, you can continue the main Easter egg quest. Things only get more difficult from here so make sure to use the best Black Ops 6 guns and class setups to make matters a bit easier.
Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Aryan Singh