What is Biometrics Scanner in Warzone Rebirth Island?

Warzone Season 3 will introduce Biometric Scanners scattered across Rebirth Island. If you’re wondering how these new Warzone terminal features will work, here’s all you need to know.

Each season of Warzone brings new features for players to use to their advantage. Coming with Season 3, Warzone will introduce the Biometrics Scanner, offering exclusive in-game rewards and benefits.

If you’re wondering how this new feature will work in Warzone Season 3, here’s all you need to know.

Warzone Rebirth Island Biometric Scanners explained

The Biometrics Scanner in Warzone Rebirth Island is a feature that allows players to check their stats once per match and create a Keycard to unlock “a special menu in any Rebirth Island Buy Station”.

The Resurgence map will feature 10 Biometric Scanners to create a Keycard based on the player’s identity. Once created, players can keep the Keycard, inspect it to see their name, Clan Tag, and Access Level, or loot Keycards from fallen enemies.

There are six Keycard rarities in Warzone:

  • Bronze (common)
  • Silver (relatively common)
  • Gold (uncommon)
  • Platinum (rare)
  • Polyatomic (very rare)
  • Orion (incredibly rare)

While Call of Duty haven’t revealed the probability of getting each type of Keycard, players can improve the rarity if a squadmate is close by during a scan.

Warzone Biometrics Scanner Buy Station access & rewards

Once Warzone players have their Biometrics Scanner Keycard or once they’ve looted one from a fallen enemy, they can head to any Rebirth Island Buy Station and a special menu filled with rewards, based on the Keycard they possess, will be accessible.

Here’s every Biometrics Scanner special Keycard menu available, as stated by the Season 3 blog:

  • Bronze: Random ammunition, Cash, Armor Plates, Lethals, and Tacticals.
  • Silver: Random ammunition, Cash, Armor Plates, Lethals, Tacticals, Perk Package.
  • Gold: Random ammunition, Cash, Armor Plates, Lethals, Tacticals, Perk Package, Armored Vest, Field Upgrade.
  • Platinum: Random ammunition, Cash, Armor Plates, Lethals, Tacticals, Perk Package, Armored Vest, Field Upgrade, Killstreak.
  • Polyatomic: [[REDACTED]] free equipment selects at the Buy Station, [[CLASSIFIED]] Weapon.
  • Orion: [[REDACTED]] free equipment selects at the Buy Station, [[CLASSIFIED]] Weapons, additional [[RECACTED]].

Additionally, Call of Duty confirmed that returning to a Biometric Scanner “on subsequent but nonconsecutive visits may unlock a variety of additional assets,” including camos and other rewards not yet revealed.

That’s everything you need to know about the Biometric Scanner in Warzone’s Rebirth Island.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Max Candelarezi

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