CoD Mobile Prime Gaming rewards for January 2024

Udit Surve Activision / Prime GamingThe Goblin King Epic Operator Skin is for Donnie “Ruin” Walsh.

Described as a “cybernetically augmented soldier, who rushes head-on into the fight”, this unique Operator skin is a great way to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

How to get CoD Mobile Prime Gaming free rewards

You can get CODM Prime Gaming rewards for free by hitting the Claim button on the Prime Gaming Website. Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing it:

  1. Sign in to Prime Gaming by linking your Amazon Prime account. If you don’t have a subscription, click on Try Prime.
  2. Then head to the CoD Mobile’s page on Prime Gaming and hit on Claim under the reward.
  3. You will get a unique code along with a set of instructions on how to redeem it.

That was all about the CoD Mobile Prime Gaming reward for January 2024 and how to claim it.

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