MW3 Zombies has many things to do in Urzikstan, and like in Warzone, contracts are an essential activity. If you want to finish Outlast contracts in MWZ, here’s all you need to know about one of the most rewarding contents in the game.
MW3 Zombies packs a lot of main objectives to complete during your missions to Urzikstan, and just like in Warzone, there are a lot of contracts to tackle. The Outlast contract is a great option in MWZ, as it nets a great Essence reward and lets you farm weapon XP.
To start any contract in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, you need to look for its location on the Tac Map, and when you approach one, activate it to find the new objective location marked on your map.
Here’s how to complete the Outlast contract in MW3 Zombies.
MW3 Zombies: Where to find Outlast contract
The Outlast contract will spawn across the different Threat Zones of MW3 Zombies, and it will be marked on your map with a blue Satellite symbol.
Once you approach and activate the PND mechanism, the contract will start, and you will need to defend yourself from a zombie horde.
How to finish Outlast contract in MW3 Zombies
Get ready to defend the objective from a zombie horde after starting the Outlast contract.
To finish the Outlast contract in MW3 Zombies, you need to stay inside the designated zone marked by the purple crystals and kill zombies while the progression bar advances. As long as you stay within the PND’s range and inside the marked area, you will see the progress bar fill up.
If you go too far or exit the Outlast contract location, the progression bar will start to fall down. This is a great method for farming zombie hordes outside of the designated area, so don’t miss the chance to level up your Primary weapon fast.
The enemies that will spawn in this contract are regular zombies and Hellhounds, so be on the lookout for a possible ambush. Each Threat Zone has a different difficulty, so the higher the Threat, the longer it will take you to complete the progression bar. The enemies will also be tougher, so bring in your best arsenal.
A great way of completing this contract quickly is by doing it in a low-level Threat Zone. Also, tackling this contract alone is not recommended, so try to bring some friends into battle.
MW3 Zombies: Outlast contract rewards
Once you finish the Outlast contract in MW3 Zombies, you will receive a decent amount of Essence and a Reward Rift, where you can find a random set of items like Perks, Armor Plates, or new Schematics. Use this valuable Essence to Pack-a-Punch your weapons and try to complete the contract in higher-level Threat Zones.
And that is all you need to know about Outlast Contracts in MWZ!
Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Joaquín Frere