Modern Warfare 2 guns get long-awaited buff in MW3 & Warzone Season 3

Nathan Warby

Ever since MW3 arrived, the weapons from 2022’s Modern Warfare 2 have failed to match the new guns in both multiplayer and Warzone. Now, with the Season 3 update, the old arsenal of MW2 guns have been handed a welcome buff to make them more competitive.

Modern Warfare 3 launched with the full arsenal of guns from the previous installment, Modern Warfare 2. But they had been all but forgotten in favor of the new weapons, which were considered to be superior in both MW3 and Warzone.

However, with the launch of the Season 3 update, the devs have looked to address this problem by handing all MW2 weapons a much-needed buff, which they hope will make them more competitive across multiplayer and BR.

In the Season 3 patch notes, they explained that they had “decreased obstructive VFX while firing MWII Weapons to align with MWIII standards.” This refers to the gun smoke that was much more noticeable on MW2 weapons, which would often obscure a player’s view while firing.

They also “removed variance from ADS Idle Sway,” in an effort to make firing each weapon more “predictable” when aiming down sight for extended periods of time.

This change has been applied to the entire roster across both titles, including the newer MW3 lineup, but the issue was much more noticeable in MW2 weapons prior to the update.

“Aimed down sight idle sway discourages players from holding their sights for an extended period of time with a constant, subtle motion that introduces slight inaccuracy,” the devs continued. “This change raises the skill ceiling and rewards players who take the time to master their favorite weapons.”

With well over 100 weapons to choose from in Warzone and Modern Warfare 3, the team will be hoping that these small but effective changes will make fan-favorite guns from Modern Warfare 2 a viable option in both games once again.

Only time will tell if they have the desired effect, but when paired with the new additions as well as the many buffs and nerfs, the meta could be more competitive than ever in Season 3.

Quelle: CharlieIntel
Author: Nathan Warby

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